10 uses of condom that you probably don't know - Way Loaded


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Sunday, July 26, 2020

10 uses of condom that you probably don't know


Commonly, we all knows condom as contraception. But there are also many unexplained uses of condoms in recent studies and reports.
Just like the year 2014 January, it was reported that some South African elderly people use the lubricant in condoms to relieve their arthritic pain even though it has no existing medical evidence yet that it can help, they insisted on rubbing it into affected areas on a daily basis really does make a difference.( South African health page posted).
So, this raised concerns about what other uses condom could be. Ten more of those uses will be listed here in this article.

1. Not that the lubricant in condom is great in hair
2. You can also put your mobile phone in it, when you are caught under the rain.
3. Condoms are also good for cleaning CDs.
4. They can also be used in shining shoes.
5. They can be used as water balloons.
6. Also you can fill it with ice and frozen to use as ice packs in boxing.
7. It can be placed over d barrel of a rifle when it’s raining because it still allows shooting.
8. In other to prevent a bait from washing off a hook while you trawling for fish you Simply pull the condom over bait after it is attached to the hook and Cut the ends off and voila!
9 . When you are swimming, you can use a condom as protection against small catfish called candiru that are mostly attracted to urine and blood and like to travel up the urethra.
10. You can also use it as a good slingshot.
All of the above are what you can also do with a condom. Hope its helpful.
But most men do use the number 4 option as an excuse when caught with condom😂

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