7 Biggest Animals That Exist - Way Loaded


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Friday, September 25, 2020

7 Biggest Animals That Exist

 The world is full of creatures, and the largest known animal on earth is the blue whale. We all know that! But when it comes to biggest animals, this planet is home to more terrifying species. So today we are looking at some of the biggest animals on earth.

1.Komodo Dragon





There are over 3000 lizard species, but Komodo Dragon remains the biggest living lizard in the world. It measures as much as 8.5 feet long and weighs up to 300 pounds. This lizards so dangerous that they can take down very big animals as Buffalos. The also have a poisonous bacteria in their saliva that can kill their prey in 24hrs after a bite.

2.Whale Sharks




The worlds largest fish is called a whale but it's actually a shark. Given the name whale shark, you would think that this big fish would want to eat you given a chance, But to whale sharks, humans are friends not food.




Though they reach the size of a school bus, whale sharks, whale sharks are harmless creatures and typically feed on tiny fish and creatures. They can grow up to 40feet long



3.Eastern Gorilla




Eastern Gorillas takes the prize of the largest prime mate with a height of up to 6.2 feet and weighs up to 460 pounds.




This gorillas live in the lowlands and mountains of Africa. They mainly survive on stems, leaves and bamboo shoots.



4.Saltwater Crocodile







The worlds largest crocodile is a Mister of a reptile. Known fro being the largest crocodiles, saltwater crocodile can grow to an average of 17 feet in length and can weigh up to 1000 Pounds.






5.Green Anaconda




Weighing up to 455 pounds and growing to more 29 feet long, the green anaconda is a in nonvenomous snake found in South American.

Although they use sight and smell to hurt, they can also feel heat emitted by a potential prey. The bigger anacondas are capable of feeding on wild pigs, deer's and wild jaguars and can live up to 10 years in the wild and up to 30 years in captivity.







6.Brahma Chicken




There was a video that went viral sometime ago of an enormous chicken that left everyone in disbelief that the chicken was actually real and it's not just a guy in a chicken suit.



Turns outs the Brahma chicken is one of the largest chicken breeds on earth. With masses of features and standing far taller than most dogs, this big birds weighs 17 pounds and is as tall as a toddler, standing 2.8 feet from head to foot.

7.Blue Whale




So finally we look at the biggest animal in the world, The blue whale. It is the biggest animal ever to have existed in our planet. The carnivorous sea creatures weighs up to 200 tonnes that's is almost 400k pounds and can grow to almost 30 metres in length.

Their tongues alone can weigh as much as an elephant and their heart as much as a car, yet they survive on a diet rich in tiny fishes.







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