Run Very Far Away From These Three Types Of Churches, They're Not Godly - Way Loaded


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Saturday, September 19, 2020

Run Very Far Away From These Three Types Of Churches, They're Not Godly

 Christians go to church to give their God the worship he deserves and to also learn the mysteries of the bible, but alot of people are being misled by false prophets and teachers in the church.

Please, if you find yourself in any of these three types of churches you'll be seeing below, quickly run away for your dear life.

1. Were you pay money to recieve counseling




Jesus Christ is the one every Christian look up to, he never collected money from anyone he ever counseled, but some false men of God who has turned the church into a business would ask you to pay some amount of money before you can see them for counseling, they're money mongers and they have no place in Christ. Run Away from such churches so they don't mislead you.

2. Where the pastor encourages other people to leave their churches and attend his own




(Photo used for illustration only)

A true man of God would never encourage other Christians to leave their churches and attend his own for them to get their miracles, he would always tell them to follow the teachings of the bible no matter the church they worship in, but fake pastors who use Juju powers to perform cheap tricks would always encourage people to run into their churches for miracles, they would even go as far as calling other pastors powerless, please run away from such churches before you go astray.

3. A church where they hardly preach about the coming of Christ and repentance but they always talk about prosperity




A church that's after money would hardly preach about the coming of Christ and salvation, the main reason why we go to church is to be prepared for rapture, but many evil pastors would rather talk more about prosperity and seed sowing than Christ and repentance.

Always remember, your soul is more important to God than your prosperity.

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