Photos Of Ancient Human That Where On Earth Before Us - Way Loaded


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Monday, October 12, 2020

Photos Of Ancient Human That Where On Earth Before Us

 The origin of humans has been subject to controversies over the years with many pitching their tents with the biblical view of creation others like Charles dawin going with the story of evolution and some school of thought believing the big bang theory.


It is obvious this ancient human creation contradicts them self, but according to the theory of evolution these are the classes of humans that worked the earth before we sapiens.


Homo Erectus (Upright man)

H. erectus (upright man), the first member of the genus homo to spread... |  Download Scientific Diagram


This specie were discovered in the year 1891 and were officially named the following year. They were an extincie specie of the archave human from the Pleistocene.


All thanks to them, the quality of our food and the way we think either movement or survival can be credited to this ancient humans.


They may have been the first to learn the basic skills needed for survival such as making fire and probably hunting.


Homo floresienses

Investigating Homo floresiensis and the myth of the ebu gogo | Aeon Ideas



This species were said to have lived in Asia, Indonesia to be precise about 100,000 to 500,000 years ago. The fossils of Homo Floresiensis date to between about 190,000 and 500,000 years old.


It was said that they had a small body size, tiny brain, and a large chins, they used stone tools. They hunted elephant, large rodents and large Comodo dragons.



Ancient DNA puts a face on the mysterious Denisovans, extinct cousins of  Neanderthals | Science | AAAS

Denisovan are also an extinct specie of human that once lived across Asia, before the arrival of the sapiens.


The first Denisovan focil was identified in 2010 based on a remains found in the denisovan cave found in Siberia where and when they lived is still unclear but many report state they once lived in Asia 200,000 years ago in the denisovan cave.


Though their remains have been identified in only two locations. Their DNA traced they lived across Asia and western Eurasia.


Homo naledi 


This is a specie of human that once roamed the beautiful earth. They were discovered in rising star cave, cradle of human kind, South Africa. They were said to have lived some 350,000-236,000 years ago. They were estimated to have an average height of 143.6cm (4.9 ft) in height and 39.7kg (88lb) in weight.


This human specie were capable of long distance travel, climbing trees and endurance running.


Which one do you believe in, Adam and Eve or this Ecological theory

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