Witchcraft Allegations & 'Healing' Prophet Muhammad Hassan Patigi - Way Loaded


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Monday, October 12, 2020

Witchcraft Allegations & 'Healing' Prophet Muhammad Hassan Patigi


Inside Niger's wonder place where 'witches' are stripped exposed 

*Self-styled prophet subjects inhabitants blamed for black magic to barbaric treatment 

*His activities unadulterated maltreatment of common freedoms — Activist 

*LG seat uncovers intends to exile him from space 

*Rights misuse claims false, says Aide 

Recordings of gross maltreatment of common freedoms in a supposed marvel community in Mokwa, Niger State have been moving via web-based media in the previous two months. They incorporate those of people stripped bare after they were blamed for black magic. Strange scenes in the recordings incorporate ladies being compelled to admit their supposed abhorrent deeds at gunpoint and men being compelled to pee on each other. 

The initial scene in one of the recordings highlights two men battling bare while an artist portrayed as the healer Mallam sings for them. The two men connect each other in a battle until they got drained, after which they were made to admit their transgressions. In one of the admissions, somebody is found in the foundation slapping the inquisitor until he confessed to being a wizard. The other man who "wouldn't admit totally" was given another rival to keep battling with. 

The two men who were battling in the initial scene and gave their names as Danjuma and Mohammed are likewise made to move stripped while the so called healer Mallam tosses sachets of 'unadulterated water' at them. 

Another scene highlights two ladies who inside seconds were stripped bare while each endeavor they made to cover their unclothedness before a mammoth group was repelled. Indeed, even the one of the bare ladies who attempted to cover her face was kept from doing as such as she had to eliminate the hands she concealed her face with. 

Another situation saw an elderly person being tormented with an immobilizer to admit that she is a witch. The lady, who seems as though one in her 80s, is seen being staggered in the back to constrain her to admit that she is a witch. 

The previous are just a tip of the infringement of common liberties being executed by Hassan Muhammad Nnafene Patigi who professes to be a prophet with capacity to mend a wide range of infections, including stroke, uncleanliness, visual impairment, deafness and imbecility, just as give solutions for barrenness, propensity for stealing and stillbirth, among others. 

It was accumulated that Patigi originally showed up in Mokwa with claims that he could mend a wide range of sicknesses and make infertile ladies profitable; a case that charmed him to huge numbers of the town's occupants. This, The Nation learnt, he accomplished for quite a while before he veered into marking individuals as witches, stripping them exposed, and convincing them to concede that they are witches. 

Patigi is then said to cause the blamed people to go through all way for offensive medicines like requesting that individuals pee in their mouths, stoning them with sachet water and making them battle themselves exposed out in the open. 

Patigi is additionally blamed for approaching the individuals who are looking for the products of the belly to bring the entirety of N11,000 and make the most of them to the cash over and again until they are depleted. The ladies are then made to clasp hands with their spouses for quite a long time before they give the cash to Patigi who might ask on it and request that they return to gather the cash after certain days. 

The individuals who bring forth stillborns or witness untimely births are made the most of to charcoals until they are depleted while those needing mates are made the most of to stones until they are fagged out. 

Mokwa occupants no longer calm with him 

The previous deeds of Patigi were said to have been endured by Mokwa inhabitants until he started to mark individuals as witches and wizards, by virtue of which many started to presume his accreditations as the Mallam or Sheik he professed to be. 

Some Mokwa occupants who talked with our reporter said they were not, at this point OK with Patigi's style, particularly his utilization for indecent dialects and how he appears to consistently single out ladies to torment and insult them. 

One of the inhabitants, who recognized himself as Kasim Umar, said that the so called prophet had tormented many individuals in his essence as one of the individuals who go to watch them tormented or embarrassed until it unfolded to him that what the 'prophet' was doing was wrong. 

Umar stated: "Hassan (Patigi) torments elderly people ladies, hitched ladies, little youngsters and men blamed for black magic with stunning devices. He pulls sachet water at them when they won't state what he needs to hear. 

"He solicits some from his young men to beat them with sticks and even strip them bare. At the point when he does a portion of these things, individuals think it is clever, so they giggle at the people in question." 

A lady who gave her name as Saida accepts that it isn't right for Patigi to constrain individuals to admit to rehearsing black magic, saying that she no longer goes to the field to watch the shows. 

She stated: "All that he is doing or has done isn't Islamic. Hassan would request that music be played by his DJs. By what means can somebody who considers himself a prophet go about with DJs? Now and again, he would ask that a beat be played without verses and he would sing to it. It isn't Islamic in any way. 

"At the point when the music is played, he circumvents moving and the individuals who are clearly mesmerized are pushed outside and made to attempt dishonorable acts. I can't help thinking about how individuals that are made to do go through these would live with different individuals from their locale without being provoked or humiliated." 

Uthman Mokwa, one of the cameramen connected with to cover his exercises, has needed to pull out when the scenes were getting excessively vulgar. Mokwa, who said he was never Patigi's ally, said he pulled back his administrations since he could no longer bear the sights that faced him consistently. 

Clarifying Patigi's method of activity, Mokwa stated: "At whatever point he professes to do healings, he would point towards the guileless wonder searchers and turn all around while remaining on a table. In some cases, he professes to utilize his eye to eye connection to mend individuals. 

"In the wake of doing it for around five minutes, he would ask the individuals who had been mended to come out for declarations. His young men will at that point give such individuals the amplifier to tell the group how they were feeling previously and how they are feeling now. 

"In the event that any of them says the person didn't feel good, he would drive them out of the line and request that I erase that part from my camera. 

"My serious issues with him are, first, the tormenting of individuals blamed for black magic. I was moved to tears seeing the way an elderly person who said she was not a witch tormented and requested to admit. Hassan (Patigi) held on, watching her being tormented. As youthful as I am, under that state of torment and vulnerability, I would admit to anything. 

"My subsequent issue is the manner in which he strips individuals stripped. These individuals are people and it isn't right." 

Prophet or criminal? 

Dawod Usman, a writer who likewise prepared as an attorney, said that everybody has their own viewpoint about the dubious mallam, including that his judgment depends on the heaviness of one's legitimizations. 

Talking about the lawful ramifications of Patigi's exercises, Usman said that what's going on at the wonder community is only an "a slaughter of human poise, considering the that human respect is a focal goal and regulating esteem framework set up by the Constitution, which is likewise focal point to the preface of Universal Declaration of Human Right 1946." 

He focused on that the basic liberties fundamentally implies that each Nigerian has a privilege not to be exposed to torment or cruel/debasing treatment, and no Nigerian ought to be held in conditions that add up to subjection or subjugation. 

He stated: The Northern Nigeria correctional framework where Hassan Patigi is arranging black magic "expulsion" explicitly gives in Section 216 (an) of the Penal Code law of Northern Nigeria that: 'whoever by his announcement or activities speaks to himself to be a witch or to have the intensity of black magic, will be rebuffed with detainment which may reach out to two years or with fine or with both. By righteousness of the above arrangements, black magic is a culpable offense in the Northern Nigeria punitive framework. 

"Nonetheless, Hassan Patigi isn't perceived by any law as a judicature or judgeship to regulate such law at all. Also, it suggests that any proclamation made by Hassan on any individual at all is conflicting with any arrangements of the law, and to the degree of that irregularity is invalid and void. 

"Any Magistrate court, Area court or Upper Area Court in the northern piece of Nigeria, including the Federal Capital Territory, is a legitimate setting for initiating an activity against a witch in that the punitive code is relevant just in this locale rather than the Southern, Western and Eastern piece of Nigeria where criminal code is in activity. 

"Hassan Patigi Miracle Center Mokwa is hence a non-jurisdictional spot to engage and manage equity on any offenses of any decision at all. Much the same as some other criminal activity in the northern piece of Nigeria, an activity against a witch can be organized by: First Information Report or Direct Criminal Complaint. The subsequent mode is appropriate in other northern pieces of Nigeria aside from the FCT). 

"It is deserving of note that stripping a supposed witch bare before a huge horde of onlookers isn't just malevolent by the thoughtfulness of all the worldwide and domiciliary law set up against the infringement of common liberties and nobility of the human individual, it is socially lamentable, culturally condemnable, sensibly contemptible, humanly unfortunate and legitimately noteworthy. 

"Among all the laws that control mankind and human exchange, the law that maintains human respect is "sui generis" that is traditional in its own sort. Along these lines, each individual needs to appreciate fairness of living without any pinch of hardships aside from one occasioned by the instrumentality and matchless quality of the law." 

We revealed to Patigi he's acting against the




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