ISIS Bride 'Blows Up Her Own Baby In Suicide Attack' During Deadly Army Shootout - Way Loaded


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Monday, April 5, 2021

ISIS Bride 'Blows Up Her Own Baby In Suicide Attack' During Deadly Army Shootout


According to a report by Daily Star UK, an ISIS terrorist mum reportedly blew herself and her baby up as security forces closed in on their hideouts.

The suspected jihadi bride denoted an explosives belt after forces killed her husband during counterterrorism operations in the mountainous provinces of Tunisia, security forces their claimed.

Tunisian squads were tracking an extremist group in the Mount Salloum area of Kasserine province when they killed the suspected jihadi.

His wife then blew herself up by activating a suicide vest, the Interior Ministry said in a statement.

Reports say the explosion killed her baby that she was holding in her arms when she set off the explosives.

Her older daughter at the scene is believed to have survived.

Authorities said it was the first time they a woman has been reported among the jihadis taking refuge in the area.

The ministry said on Thursday night (March 1), security forces killed a suspected leader of Tunisia's Jund Al Khilafa brigade in their second operation around the Mount Mghila area.

The brigade that pledged allegiance to the Islamic State group is believed to be behind several attacks in Tunisia.

The news comes as experts issue warning claiming Africa is becoming a new frontline in the war against ISIS in the wake of the Mozambique bloodbath.

The latest attack on foreign contractors attempting to flee the town of Palma after coming under attack left at least 50 people dead with Brit Phil Mawer among those missing.

At least 13 countries in the African continent have experienced ISIS attacks in recent times.

French expert on jihad Olivier Guitta, from Global Risk Consultancy, warned: “Africa is going to be the battleground of jihad for the next 20 years and it’s going to replace the Middle East.”

At the end of last year, the Pentagon warned ISIS is taking over areas of Africa as they did in Syria and Iraq with "staggeringly brutal" tactics.

ISIS-linked jihadis have been beheading their prisoners and taking women as sex slaves in Mozambique's forest.

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