Checkout 25 Shockingly Rare And Strange Body Features That Are Hard To Find (Photos) - Way Loaded


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Friday, July 16, 2021

Checkout 25 Shockingly Rare And Strange Body Features That Are Hard To Find (Photos)

 1. A Rare Disorder Causes Accelerated Aging:


Due to a genetic disorder called Progeria, some people age at a remarkably quick rate. Symptoms usually become noticeable within the first two years of their life.

People who have this disorder suffer from excessive hair loss, as well as thinning and wrinkling skin. Their life expectancy is typically only 13-20 years, and scientists haven't found a cure for it.

2. Some People Are Born With Two Different Colored Eyes Because Of A Rare Condition:


You have probably never thought twice before filling out your eye color on an official form, but this simple question is a little more complicated for people with heterochromia. There are three types of this condition: complete, central, and partial.

3. One In 200 People Have An Extra Rib:


While most people have 12 pairs of ribs equaling 24 total, some people occasionally have a 25th rib. About one in every 200 people have a rare body feature called a cervical rib that forms above the first rib, growing at the base of the neck and above the collar bone.

It's possible to have one without knowing it because it is not painful. The extra rib sometimes doesn't fully form and can be a thin strand of tissue fibers that won't show up on an X-ray.

4. Vitiligo Makes Him Unique:


This man has a unique vitiligo pattern, which is a melanin deficiency that causes the skin, hair, and nails to lose pigmentation. It's like he is a superhero, and his mask is always on, ready to save the day.

5. Thumbs Down:


This person's thumb has three phalanges instead of two. A phalange is a bone in the fingers and toes. Sometimes an extra one can be small and unnoticeable.

6. Two Of His Knuckles Aren't In-Line With The Rest:


When you make a fist, your knuckles should line up next to each other. However, this person's hand is different, though, because his knuckles in the middle are lower than the rest. It is not a common occurrence, and we have never seen this before.

You might think he punched a wall too hard, but it is caused by a double joint in the knuckle. It usually only occurs on one hand, but it should cause any issues besides trouble punching things.

7. Some People's Hearts Are On The Right Side:


One out of 12,019 people is born with their heart on the right side of their chest instead of the left. The congenital anomaly is called dextrocardia and usually doesn't have any negative consequences; however, there is a possibility it could affect other organs.

Most people live normal lives with this condition, and you can guarantee their heart is always in the right place. Although there might be blockages in the digestive system because of the position of the heart.

8. This Mutation Creates Very Strong Children:


While it is well documented in mice and cattle, there have only been a few cases of inactive myostatin genes in humans. The condition causes people to develop incredibly strong muscles. Children who are born with the mutation have lean, well-defined muscles from a young age.

Those who have it, possess greater strength than children of a similar age. It is so rare that researchers don't even know the long-term issues associated with the disorder, so we won't know how it can affect them later in life until these children grow up.

9. Have You Ever Heard Of "Elf Ears"?:


No, this woman is not an elf, but she does have elf-like ears. This is caused by a condition known as Darwin's tubercle. It is common in Spanish, Indian, and Swedish people. Scientists do not know why this happens.

10. Only 2 Percent Of The World Has Red Hair:


While you might know many people with red hair, natural redheads are rarer than you think. Out of the entire global population, only two percent of people are born with red hair. It is slightly more common in people with ancestry from northern and western Europe.

11. Ocular Albinism Is Only Found In 1 Out Of 50,000 People:


Albinism is often lumped into one category, and you may not know that there are actually different types of this condition. One type of albinism is ocular albinism, which can affect the hair and skin, but it primarily affects the eyes.

The condition causes people to have light eyes, it can reduce vision, cause sensitivity to light, and other eye conditions. According to the Vision of Children Foundation, about 1 in 50,000 people have ocular albinism.

12. There Are People Who Have Unbreakable Bones:


Have you ever broken a bone before? If you have, you might be jealous of those people who have a gene mutation that makes their bones almost unbreakable. The gene regulates the production of a protein that plays a role in bone density.

The mutation was discovered when a man involved in a serious car accident didn't suffer any fractures or broken bones. Researchers found he had an unusually strong skeleton, and his bones were eight times denser than the average person.

13. Having A Single Crease Through The Palm Is Hereditary:


You know how your hands look like they have a bunch of lines on the palm? Well, this guy has a one-way street. Whoever gets to be his palm reader has a pretty straightforward job, right?

This is something that is only found in 1.5 percent of people on at least one hand. It is also referred to as a simian crease or simian line.

14. A Few People Have Excess Hair Growth:


While some people need to do extra grooming because they naturally grow a lot of hair, some can't control the amount of hair that grows on their bodies. A genetic skin condition called Ambras syndrome causes people to have excess hair all over their bodies.

While it may be isolated to certain areas of the body, it often covers them entirely with thick hair. It has only affected about 50 people since the Middle Ages. The gene mutation disrupts messages sent to the cells about developing follicles.

15. Marfan Syndrome Makes Your Ligaments Stretch Out:


While some people are pretty flexible, other people have a syndrome that causes their ligaments to stretch out. Marfan syndrome affects the connective tissue and causes people to be tall, lanky, and have elongated limbs.

For those severely affected, it can affect their heart, eyes, blood vessels, and skeleton. It can cause bones to dislocate easily, strain the aorta, and give them early onset arthritis. About one in 5,000 people are born with this genetic mutation.

16. There Is Mutation That Causes People Not To Have A Pinky Finger:


Instead of extra fingers, this person has only four fingers on their hand. This occurs because of symbrachydactyly. This occurs in the womb because of a lack of blood flow to the tissue while the fingers are forming.

The pinky finger is pretty useless anyway, so they are not missing out on much. At least they have their thumbs because that is the most important finger. We wonder if they have problems holding things.

17. There Are People With Only One Functioning Pupil:


This man has something called anisocoria. It is a symptom in which one pupil is functioning normally, and the other one is always in a fixed position. His pupil is permanently dilated while the other one works normally.

People have probably wondered if he was on drugs or having problems before because this is such an uncommon condition. It is usually harmless to the person affected by it, and we think that it looks pretty awesome.

18. Only 8 Percent Of People Have Blue Eyes:


While grey eyes are the rarest color, blue eyes are also only found in eight percent of people. It seems like everyone who has blonde hair also has blue eyes, but they can all be traced back to a single common ancestor.

Scientists tracked down the genetic mutation which took place 6,000 - 12,000 years ago, and it is the reason for all the blue-eyed people on the planet. They are much more common in Scandinavian countries.

19. Sneezing Because Of Sunlight Is A Thing, Although Not Common:


If you have ever sneezed because it was too sunny outside, you are part of a small group of people who have a photic sneeze reflex. About 25 percent of people have an unusual reaction to sunlight, and it can actually be dangerous.

Some consequences of PSR are that it is dangerous to drivers when emerging from dim light, such as a tunnel into full sunlight. If you have reacted to sunlight like this, you could have PSR, and you probably never knew it.

20. There Are People Who Can't Contract HIV:


HIV has killed millions of people, and during 1981, it was an epidemic. However, a small group of people of Northern European descent may be resistant to HIV because of an incredibly rare genetic mutation called CCR5 delta 32.

This abnormality does not allow the HIV virus to enter the cells. The receptor is closed, and scientists have been working on a cure using stem cells to mimic the genetics of those immune to HIV.

21. Only 40 People Have What People Call "Golden Blood":


Golden blood is not quite what it sounds like. Rather than actual golden blood, it's an incredibly rare blood group that only 40 people in the world have. In scientific terms, people with golden blood are missing Rh-blood cell antigens.

Because they don't have Rh-blood cell antigens, anyone with another rare Rh group can accept this type as donor blood. These people are incredibly valuable to the medical community, and if they didn't exist, it would take much longer for people with rare blood types to find a donor match.

22. Split Colored Iris:


Wow, you’d think those were coloured contact lenses, wouldn’t you!? But no, apparently his person has heterochromia iridis, a genetic variation that manifests in multicolored eyes.

The duel coloring is caused by an excess or lack of melanin resulting from genetics, disease or an injury. Still, it’s incredibly pretty!

23. Waardenburg Syndrome, Which Makes One Deaf On One Ear, White Hair And Different Colors Of Eyes:


He looks like some kind of ethereal Santa! But no, this man’s unique colorings and marks are due to a rare genetic condition called Waardenburg syndrome, which affects the color of your skin, hair and eyes and can sometimes cause hearing loss!

It is a congenital disorder which means that it’s something you are born with. Only about 1 in 42,000 people are affected by the syndrome and sadly, there is no cure but is manageable. (& It seems, gives you an incredibly fabulous moustache!)

24: Ulnar Dimelia Or Mirror Hand Syndrome:


Apparently, ulnar dimelia is a congenital deformity where there is no thumb, the ulna is duplicated, and there are seven or eight fingers in the hand. The condition is often referred to as “mirror hand syndrome.” It is so rare that less than 100 cases have been reported in medical literature.

25. The DEC2 Gene Allows People To Sleep Less And Work More:


People like Nikola Tesla and Winston Churchill had this problem, even though it wasn't really a problem; some may even call it a blessing. The DEC2 gene allows people to go through the sleep cycle in less time than most of us.

It's no surprise these people used the extra time to achieve greatness. Between one and three percent of people can exist on virtually no sleep with few negative side effects. Some people call it the "clock gene" because it allows them to stay awake longer.

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