Diabetes, a disease that occurs when blood glucose (sugar) levels are chronically elevated, has two primary types: Type 1 is an inherited autoimmune condition; Type 2, which typically occurs later in life, is diet and lifestyle induced. The good news is that up to 95% of diabetes is Type 2, and can easily be prevented or reversed.
Both Type 1 and Type 2 diabetes are caused by imbalanced insulin production. Insulin is the hormone that shuttles glucose (sugar) from the bloodstream into the cells where it can be used as energy. When this hormone is released too slowly, underproduced or the cells stop responding to it—as seen with insulin resistance—dangerously high levels of glucose accumulate in the bloodstream. Elevated blood glucose levels can lead to weakness, fatigue, increased thirst, excessive hunger, blurred vision and trouble concentrating. Furthermore, as these levels remain elevated, damage can occur to the nerves and cause neuropathy, typically marked by burning or shooting pain, numbness, tingling, muscle weakness or atrophy. Although you can improve your symptoms at any stage of the game, the sooner that you start making healthy changes, the less likely your diabetes will progress to a place of irreversible damage.
Balancing blood sugar with a whole-food, low-glycemic diet is top priority for diabetics. Each meal should contain fat, fiber and protein—this powerful trifecta helps slow the release of glucose into the bloodstream and keeps you full for longer. A well-balanced meal might include a piece of wild-caught salmon (protein) with quinoa (fiber) and spinach (fiber) sautéed in coconut oil (healthy fat). Foods to avoid include genetically modified organisms (GMOs), refined grains, simple sugars, hydrogenated oils, cow’s milk, alcohol and gluten. These are inflammatory, immunosuppressant in nature, and lead to cellular damage, hormone imbalance and altered metabolic function.
When making food choices, refer to the glycemic index. This ranking system assesses the impact that a higher carbohydrate food will have on blood glucose levels. High-fiber foods that are less processed and lower in starches and sugar have a lower glycemic index—i.e. brown rice (whole grain, low glycemic) vs. white bread (flour product, high glycemic). The lower the glycemic index, the better energy, brain power, hunger control and mood you’ll have after eating them. If a food is higher in sugar, even if just a piece of fruit, we recommend pairing it with a fat or protein to slow the release of sugar into the bloodstream.
Diabetic superfoods include wild-caught fish, dark leafy greens, almonds and legumes. The omega-3 fats in wild fish, especially salmon, have anti-inflammatory properties that are helpful for blood vessel and nerve health. Almonds, legumes and dark leafy greens such as kale, arugula, parsley and cilantro are alkalizing, and rich in B vitamins and fiber. They also contain magnesium, a calming mineral that’s responsible for up to 800 different functions within the body including blood sugar balance.
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