Dear Men, You Are Damaging Your Private Organ If You Keep Doing These 4 Things - Way Loaded


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Saturday, June 11, 2022

Dear Men, You Are Damaging Your Private Organ If You Keep Doing These 4 Things

 The private organ is one of the fragile and delicate part of the body therefore it needs a maximum care. Your behaviours or actions as a man play a key role in every aspect of your health.


Certain habits can cause damage to the organ, thereby altering your reproductive ability.This is why all men should be careful about the habits that can harm their male organs

In this article I have listed 4 habits you should quit to prevent damaging your private organ

1. Not getting enough sleep


You are damaging your private organs if you don't get enough sleep because it reduces the level of testosterone in your body drastically . You should therefore ensure you have enough sleep to help you maintain the levels of testosterone in the body.

2. Smoking


Excessive smoking is known to be unhealthy for general health. Too much smoking can cause harm to certain sensitive tissues in your private organ.

3. Processed meat.

Tests have shown that men who eat lots of processed meat have a higher risk of having bad reproductive cells than those who don't.

4. Taking alcohol excessively


Excessive intake of alcohol could be bad for your private organ because alcohol may interfere with testosterone production, leading to low levels of testosterone in the blood.

Also, taking too much alcohol could also affect the health of blood vessels, and this could reduce the flow of blood to your private organ.

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