What your palm say about you - Way Loaded


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Saturday, May 16, 2020

What your palm say about you

Which Fruits Grow on Palm Trees? | LoveToKnowThe way your Palm is, has greater relationship with your behaviors and characters. The measurements of your hand can mean a lot to your characters. Basically Palm is measured from the wrist to the bottom of the fingers. 
We have four types of palms according to palmistry (The study of Palm). As a human, you must fall under one of the four. 
The four includes:
1: The Air
2: The Earth
3: The water 
4: The Fire
just as you can see in the picture above, it has a rectangular or square shape with longer fingers, sometimes its knuckles are protruding, it has low-set thumbs, dry skin and the length of the palm is always less than the fingers. 
What are their characteristics?
People with this type of Palm are:
1. Sociable
They like going out and mingling with people. Making friends and partying 
2. Talkative
They can talk for Africa. They hardly keep secrets because they are extroverts.. This type of people can exchange food with talk...Lol
3. They are sometimes shallow minded 
4. They love doing things in a different way.
They have broad square Palms and fingers. The skin of their Palm is thick. The length of their palm is the same as the length of their fingers. 
Their Characteristics
People with this kind of Palm tend to be;
1. Hard working..
They work as if they don't get tired. They are full of energy and ability to work. 
2. Very practical and responsible. 
3. Comfortable with what they have.
4. Straightforward and realistic
5. Stubborn at times
6. They tend to be materialistic.
These set of people have long oval-shaped palm coupled with long flexible conical fingers. The length of their palms is the same as the length of their fingers but less than the width accross the widest part of the palm. 
Their characteristics
People with this palm type are:
1. Creative in all they do. 
2. Perceptive and sympathetic. 
They can be sympathetic but they don't joke with perception.
3. Moody and Emotional.
Little things affects their emotions so badly. They can cry all night when heart broken. These are the people that can be jealous when it comes to love simply because they have fragile hearts.
4. Introverts 
They are shy types and as such don't like talking too much. They don't voice out easily. They usually keep things to themselves. 
5. Do things quietly
Due to their being introverts, they like doing things without letting people to know about it.. instead of telling people what they want to do, they prefer it when people see what they did.
The posses square or rectangular palm with shorter fingers. The length of their palm is greater than that of their fingers.
Their characteristics
This category of persons are;
1. Optimistic
They are always positive in their thinking.. they never believe in failure.. All they think of is positivity.
2: Enthusiastic
They are always zealous. They have the inner motivation to do things. 
3. Spontaneous
They can work perfectly without supervision. 
4. Egoistic
They have ego (pride).. They believe no one can do it better than them. They believe that they are on top while every other persons are below them. 
5. Extroverts
They don't hide things like the water counterparts. They air their views at any blessed time. 
Tell us which one do you fall into? 
Does the characteristics here match yours??
Please share...

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