Before You Propose To Your Girl In Public, Make Sure You Do These 2 Things - Way Loaded


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Saturday, September 19, 2020

Before You Propose To Your Girl In Public, Make Sure You Do These 2 Things


Before You Propose To Your Girl In Public, Make Sure You Do These 2 Things.  - Opera News

Getting married and started a family is the dream of almost every man, especially when they have found the woman that fits into their specifications. The thought of spending the rest of your life with the woman of your dreams is a feeling that cannot be traded for anything in the world.


In most cases, before a man can formally ask a woman to marry him, he must have spent quite some time with her, during which time he has studied the demeanor of the woman, and has come to the conclusion that she's the one for him. And in many cases, that time spent together could run into years.


For a proposal to be lively and memorable, it often comes like a surprise. While some men love doing it in private, some prefer making it public to add more drama to it. And if the woman accepts, then it marks another new beginning for their relationship.


It is the acceptance of the engagement ring by the woman from the man that truly marks the beginning of an engagement. That is when the promise of marriage starts. In order words, if a man has not given you a ring, then it means he has not yet given you the promise of marriage.


But then, the ironic thing is that, going down on one knee to ask a woman to marry you does not mean it is obligatory of her to accept your proposal, irrespective of the number of years you both have dated each other. She might accept or decline it, the decision is hers to make.


But there's something really intriguing about women, a woman may turn down a man's proposal for several reasons, but she may never tell him why she did so. So spending a long number of years in a relationship with someone does not mean she will immediately say yes to you once you pop the big question, because you might be shocked at the reply she will give you.


These days, I have been seeing videos of how women turned down marriage proposals from their boyfriends, and this thing seems to be rampant these days.


In one of those videos, the young man whose proposal was declined was crying that he had dated the girl for seven years, so it was normal of him to think that the girl was just one step away from becoming his wife, since they had already spent such long years together.


So now, let's ask ourselves this question - whose fault was it? Is it the girl that turned down the proposal, or the guy that decided to make the proposal public without knowing the girl's mind?


Well, the girl has no blame at all in this case, because it is her right to either accept the proposal or not.


It is the guy's foolery that made him propose to the girl in the open without first of all taking certain things into consideration.


So, if you are the type that prefers open proposal, there are certain things you need to do before you take such a step in public, to avoid the ridicule of having your proposal declined in the open. In these days of social media, bad press travels very fast. Before you know it, there might be someone nearby recording the incident to post it on social media. I'm sure you will not want to go through such embarrassment.


So before you propose to your girl in the open, here are 2 things you need to do.


1. Find out if she is ready for marriage.


It is not enough to assume that a woman is ready for marriage simply because she is dating you. There might be other things she is interested in achieving before settling down for marriage. And some women are so intentional about their dreams that not even a marriage proposal can make them give up on those dreams.


So in order not to disgrace yourself in the public, find out if is she ready for marriage before you propose to her in open.


I know you want to make the proposal a surprise, and not let the cat out of the bag before time, but you can throw in the subject of marriage in between your conversations, and find out what she thinks about it.


2. Are you the type of man she wants to get married to?


Just like I stated before, people get into relationships for different reasons. It's one thing to date someone, but it's another thing to marry the person and spend the rest of your life with them.


Apart from the fact that a woman might not be ready to marry, another thing that might make a woman decline a man's proposal is if the man is not the type of man she wants to grow old with.


She might be with the man probably because of the benefits she's getting from him, but it doesn't mean she wants to marry him.


So as a man, you don't have to assume that a woman would accept your wedding ring, simply because she is dating you. She might have her own reasons for dating you, which she might not disclose to you.


So before you propose to her in the open, try to find out if you are the kind of man she wants to marry.


If you have an interest in marrying her, bring in the subject of marriage once in a while into your discussions, and see what her reaction will be. That will make you know if she is actually enthusiastic about marrying you or not.


So for those who have plans of proposing to their girls in open, these are 2 things you need to do before you take that step, to avoid the embarrassment that might come with her refusal of your proposal.

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