Top 10 People Who Cheated Death - Way Loaded


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Thursday, October 15, 2020

Top 10 People Who Cheated Death



His nail-free today, but in 2004, Mejia was doing construction work on the roof of a house when he fell. The fall didn't kill him, but the six three and a half inch nails that accidentally shot into his neck and skull certainly should have. He survived because the nails barely missed his brain stem and spinal cord.


9 Richard Blass



 In 1968, the first Mafia attempt against this Canadian gangster took place. Two hired gunmen entered a bar where he was enjoying some drinks. Although he was shot at multiple times, Blass was able to escape unscathed. Two weeks later, Blass was tracked by the Mafia to a motel named Le Manoir de Plaisance in a Montreal suburb. The motel was set on fire and three people died, but Blass escaped the blaze. Police investigation indicated arson as the fires cause. In October, Blass was injured by shots to the head and back after being ambushed with his partner inside a garage. The two were able to save their lives by driving through the garage door. Blass required hospitalization for his wounds. In January 1969, a bungled bank robbery and a shot cop put Blass in jail. Within the first year of serving four consecutive terms of ten years in jail, Blass managed to escape. He was caught, thrown back in the slammer, and escaped a second time. With a spurt of freedom, and blood in his eyes, he set out and killed two coconspirators in a bar that had testified against him. Everyone else in the bar was locked in and the place was set on fire. Three days later, Blass's death finally came when he was shot twenty-three times. During his life Blass was given the nickname “The Cat” because of his luck in evading death.

8 Ahad Israfil




  “I try to appreciate things a lot more. You never know what moment you won’t be there.” In 1987, an accidental discharge of a gun blew half of fourteen-year-old Israfil's brains away, yet he survived and later graduated with honors. Doctors were able to fill the hole with a silicone block, and “the flap of skin was pulled over and hair grew back, giving him a fairly normal appearance. Cranioplast was used to put the icing on the cake (Dayton Daily News).

7 Vesna Vulovic




 It was twenty-six days into 1972 when twenty-two-year-old flight attendant Vesna Vulovic found herself at 33,000 feet in the air and quickly descending to the earth without a parachute. JAT Flight JU 367 had been cruising over Srbska-Kamenice (now the Czech Republic) when an explosion occurred (the terrorist group, Croatian National Movement, was named as responsible for the deaths of all but one) and, as astonishing as it sounds, Vulovic survived with a “fractured skull, two broken legs, and three broken vertebrae, which left her temporarily paralyzed from the waist down. She regained the use of her legs after surgery and continues to fly sporadically. She holds the Guinness World Record for the highest Free fall.

6 Ludger Sybaris




  On the day before the Pelee eruption in May 1902, Sylbaris was locked in a single cell with stone walls that was partially underground and ventilated only through a narrow grating in the door which faced away from Pelee. His prison was the most sheltered building in the city, and this saved his life. On the day of the eruption, it grew very dark. Hot air mixed with fine ashes entered his cell through the door grating, despite his efforts in urinating on his clothing and stuffing it in the door. The heat lasted only a short moment, enough to cause deep burns on his hands, arms, legs, and back, but his clothes did not ignite, and he avoided breathing the searing-hot air. Superheated steam and volcanic gases and dust, with temperatures reaching over 1000°C, flattened the buildings in the city and the entire population burned or suffocated to death. Sylbaris was said to be the only survivor, but in fact there was one other man and possibly two children.

5 Shannon Malloy




  Shannon Malloy was in a car crash that caused her to be internally decapitated; her spine was separated from her skull and all connecting ligaments and tendons were cut loose. Despite this, she managed to survive. Shannon had to endure several surgeries, one fusing her skull to her spinal cord; she suffered nerve damage that made her eyes constantly cross and limited her speech ability. Her pelvis and ankle were severely broken, but could not be repaired until swelling in the brain and spinal cord reduced (Associated Content).

4 Roy C. Sullivan




  The chances of being struck by lightning are very slim, the chances of being struck by lightning twice (on different days) is seemingly impossible; so what are the odds of being struck by lightning seven times? For our world record holder, Roy Sullivan, the events happened as follows:

  1942Sullivan was hit for the first time when he was in a lookout tower. The lightning bolt struck him in a leg and he lost a nail on his big toe. 

  1969The second bolt hit him in his truck when he was driving on a mountain road. It knocked him unconscious and burned his eyebrows.

  1970The third strike burned his left shoulder while in his front yard.

  1972The next hit happened in a ranger station. The strike set his hair on fire. After that, he began to carry a pitcher of water with him.

  1973A lightning bolt hit Sullivan on the head, blasted him out of his car, and again set his hair on fire.

  1974Sullivan was struck the sixth time while in a campground, injuring his ankle.

  1977The seventh and final lightning bolt hit him when he was fishing. Sullivan was hospitalized for burns in his chest and stomach.

3 Ann Hodges




  In Sylacauga, Alabama, in 1954, Hodges was napping on her living room couch when a grapefruit-sized meteoroid crashed through her roof and ricocheted off her large wooden console radio, before it struck her on the arm and hip. She was badly bruised but able to walk. The Air Force arrived and took the meteorite from her. Ann's husband, Eugene, hired a lawyer to get it back. Then the landlord claimed it, wanting to sell it in order to cover the damage done to the roof. By the time the meteorite was returned to Ann and Eugene (over a year later) public attention had diminished and they were unable to find a buyer willing to pay much for the eight-and-a-half-pound alien chondrite rock. Against her husbands wishes, Ann donated it to the Alabama Museum of Natural History, where it can be seen today.

2 Ben Carpenter




  When crossing the street in Paw Paw, Michigan, Ben Carpenter, twenty-one and wheelchair-bound, was picked up accidentally by a truck. He was pushed by the semi for four miles at 50 mph, after the arms of his wheelchair got stuck in the grill. The story goes that the driver had stopped at a red light, and couldn't see Carpenter crossing in front of him. The light changed and Carpenter ended up having the ride of a lifetime. “What I learned is that I never would want to be a Hollywood celebrity, he said after all the fuss being made by TV and newspapers. ʺI don’t know how they do it with the TV cameras and people taking their picture all the time. I went through it, and it was OK for a while, but a couple days was enough” (Kalamazoo Gazette).

1 Phineas Gage




  On September 13, 1848, Gage (a railway worker) was packing a hole with gunpowder, adding a fuse and sand, and then packing the charge down with a large tamping iron. The gunpowder ignited and the iron bar shot through his left cheekbone, exited out the top of his head, and was later recovered some thirty yards from the site of the accident. Within minutes he was up and walking. A few days later, he had fungus of the brain. After a couple of weeks, eight fluid ounces of pus from an abscess under his scalp were released. Damage to Gage’s frontal cortex had resulted in a complete loss of social inhibitions, which often led to inappropriate behavior. He was no longer the same Gage that his friends and family knew. Today his skull and the iron bar that shot through it are on display at Boston’s Warren . 

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