How Notorious Ogun State Gunrunner Amosun Withdrew N7.2 Bn Exposed By Bank - Way Loaded


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Thursday, December 24, 2020

How Notorious Ogun State Gunrunner Amosun Withdrew N7.2 Bn Exposed By Bank


Ibikunle Amosun has consistently considered himself to be being exempt from the laws that apply to everyone else, which was the reason he ignored goodness and alert in taking care of public security and account all through his eight-year spell as Ogun State lead representative. 

Soon after he left office as lead representative in May 2019, Mr. Amosun was uncovered as a gunrunner in a progression of articles by Premium Times. Longer than eighteen months after the fact, he has not been dealt with. All things considered, he has stayed a nearby partner of President Muhammadu Buhari, a relationship that has kept on protecting him from being brought to book for confusing Nigeria's perpetual uncertainty. 

No sooner after he accepted office in May 2011 than the Gateway State plunged into confusion. Outfitted burglary, snatching for-payoff, cultism and political deaths got uncontrolled across the state. 

Yet, as inhabitants were faltering from the confusion which they accused on the lead representative's "idiocy," Mr. Amosun was occupied with perpetrating a generational attack on the state's depository, as per state monetary records inspected by Peoples Gazette. 

The records demonstrated that Mr. Amosun pulled out N900 million out of 90 exchanges at N10 million each on September 26, 2014. 

On September 29, 2014, alone, Mr. Amosun gathered N1.2 billion of every 120 money exchanges at N10 million each from the state depository. 

The following day on September 30, 2014, Mr. Amosun again pulled out N600 million in real money more than 60 exchanges at N10 million each. 

The exchanges were pulled from Ogun State Government Expenditure Account by Taiwo Adeoluwa, Mr. Amosun's bureau secretary all through his two-term residency. In some different cases, the exchanges were done on Mr. Amosun's benefit by Olusegun Olaleye, at that point lasting secretary of the state's money service. 

Mr. Amosun dismissed various solicitations looking for remarks from the Gazette about the exchanges, yet they came around the official primaries of the then-resistance All Progressives Congress. 

Mr. Amosun upheld then-applicant Muhammadu Buhari at the primaries and he has for some time been viewed as one of the individuals who gave a monetary cradle to the Nigerian president. Nigerian legislators are for the most part known to pay off their way through primaries — utilizing money affectation to gather barely enough number of agents. 

Money and firearms 

Mr. Amosun's sketchy money withdrawals seemed to have started following he expected office in 2011 when Mr. Adeoluwa began attracting N10 million money exchanges from the state's investors. 

Despite the fact that bank records explored by the Gazette indicated Mr. Amosun pulled out over N4.2 billion from Ogun State, just a small amount of that sum (N70 million) was recognizable as money withdrawal. More than N4.1 billion bank withdrawals couldn't be followed on the grounds that their depictions were retroactively cleared out, a dishonest and conceivably criminal practice that has been normal among Nigerian depository pillagers and their colleagues in the financial area. 

The Gazette recognized 716 exchanges adding up to N7.22 billion that were attracted money public depository by Mr. Amosun in 2011, 2012, 2014, 2016 and 2019. Over N14 billion in bank withdrawals couldn't be followed to explicit portrayals in 2011 and 2019. 

Our audit didn't cover exchanges for 2013, 2015, 2017 and 2018 because of misty monetary records accessible for those years. 

Mr. Amosun neglected to explain the exchanges when stood up to with the bank reports by the Gazette, obviously sure that enemy of join authorities and other important law requirement bodies would be too tentative to even consider going after him because of his kinship with the president. 

Since he was uncovered for carrying arms into Nigeria in mid-2019, security organizations have been hesitant to hold Mr. Amosun to account. The Nigerian Senate likewise neglected to explore or endorse him for moving more than 1,000 AK-47 rifles into Nigeria without authorization. 

On December 2, the Gazette uncovered how Mr. Amosun moved N12.5 million to Mr. Buhari for obscure reasons. The administration in a proclamation denied our report, saying the assets were bound for a venture which Mr. Amosun did for Ogun State yet in the president's name. 

A representative for the EFCC didn't restore a solicitation looking for remarks about how Mr. Amosun wasted state assets somewhere in the range of 2011 and 2019. 

An enemy of defilement campaigner Arisekola Bakare told the Gazette that Mr. Amosun has not been considered responsible for his fumble of Ogun State reserves since he was prevailing by a man who was his long-term business partner. 

"The facts confirm that Governor Dapo Abiodun and Senator Amosun are presently political foes," Mr. Bakare said from Sagamu. "However, they were once companions and Abiodun got billions worth of public agreements when Amosun was lead representative." 

"Amosun is being secured at the government level by President Buhari," Mr. Bakare said. "While at the state level he is being secured by Governor Abiodun who fears getting into a sticky situation that could uncover the two of them as fake lawmakers."

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