Read Full Text Of President Buhari’s New Year Message To Nigerians In 2021 - Way Loaded


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Saturday, January 2, 2021

Read Full Text Of President Buhari’s New Year Message To Nigerians In 2021




First JANUARY 2021 

My individual compatriots and ladies, 

To begin with, I might want to thank and commend the Almighty who saw us during that time 2020 and has allowed us the chance to observe the beginning of another new year. We particularly express gratitude toward God on the grounds that the year 2020 was perhaps the most difficult years since our reality as a Nation. 

2. This can likewise be said pretty much any remaining countries around the globe, because of the difficulties presented on our aggregate mankind by the novel COVID-19 pandemic. 

3. While recognizing that 2020 was an exceptionally extreme year, we saw for the current year put to test our public versatility and capacity to endure these difficult stretches and furthermore gave restored trust that we will again overcome any tempests that lay ahead in 2021 and past. 

4. As we praise the open door before us in this New Year 2021, we should likewise recognize the dying of our siblings and sisters who didn't make it into this New Year. May their spirits rest in wonderful harmony. 

5. We should recollect that we additionally commended the memorable event of our sixty years as an autonomous and sovereign nation on October first 2020. In the soul of expectation and appreciation, I might want to remind us again that as a nation on the troublesome excursion to nationhood and significance, we have bewildered the numerous savants at home and around the globe who never gave the recently conceived nation that arose unto the world stage on first October 1960 a possibility of enduring any longer than a couple of years. 

6. However, here we are, 61 years by the following commemoration in October, and in addition to the fact that we are here, we are standing tall in the comity of countries as one nation joined under the desire of God and furthermore effectively developing that inseparable Nigerian soul that has empowered us, after quite a long time after year, consistently, to climate every single blustery water and arise more grounded and better where others have fallen and deteriorated. This country, this Nigeria will endure and flourish. 

7. In this excursion to nationhood, we have encountered the highs and lows. 2020 in reality accompanied a ton of difficulties going from security and monetary issues across the districts to justifiable fights that were mostly driven by our adolescents and served notice to the interest for police changes and responsibility. This administration heard, this administration tuned in and this administration is focused on satisfying the five requests of our young people, completely understanding that we as a whole wish well for Nigeria. 

8. Amidst every one of these difficulties, I had at first swore that as your chosen President and Commander-in-Chief, I would guarantee that these continuous difficulties will be confronted head-on with reestablished assurance and with all the suitability and criticalness required. Your voices have been heard and we would keep on tuning in to you, and all the key partners who are focused on the solidarity of Nigeria to guarantee that each locale of this country is ok for us every one of us, ensuring that what's to come is additionally secure for the coming age. 

9. I wish to likewise utilize this event of New Year to reaffirm my obligation to the individuals of Nigeria, particularly the young who need our aggregate consolation and backing. In making sure about this country we need to make sure about the fate of our childhood. 

10. Our youngsters are our most significant characteristic asset, at home and abroad. Their resourcefulness, innovativeness, advancement and enterprising soul is clear to all. Huge numbers of our youngsters are dominating in different circles of life including sports, amusement, data and correspondence innovation, trade and are all around the world perceived as achievers. 

11. As a Government we are focused on effectively captivating with the inventive energies of our youngsters. In such manner, we will band together with the governing body to build up an empowering climate to transform their interests into thoughts that can be upheld, prepared and scaled across districts. This will make huge open doors in fintech, agribusiness, business measure new companies and in media outlets. 

12. The year 2021 will in fact be where we will attempt to fortify the expectations of individual Nigerians in the vision of a unified and reformist Nigeria. This organization would keep zeroing in on conveying key needs under our "Ocean" – (Security, Economy and Anti-Corruption) Agenda. A portion of the key need regions we would guide our consideration and qualities to include: 


13. Re-empowering and rearranging the security contraption and faculty of the military and the police so as to improve their ability to draw in, push back and destroy the activities of both inward and outside radical and criminal gatherings taking up arms against our networks in certain pieces of the nation. 

14. In accordance with the current security challenges, we are looking as a Nation, I might want to emphasize the guarantee I made as of late when more than 300 of our young men stole from Government Science Secondary School, Kankara were effectively protected by our security agents. 

15. The polished skill appeared by our Security Forces and the joint effort from all partners across both State and Federal Governments that prompted the fruitful salvage of the young men is confirmation that Nigeria has the inward ability to unequivocally manage fear assaults on our residents. 

16. Nonetheless, we perceive that we quickly need to move to a more proactive and preemptive stance to guarantee that such horrible occurrences don't turn into a standard. Our organization is completely mindful of the obligation we need to ensure the lives and property, all things considered, and we won't yield in learning and adjusting to changing dangers to our public security and urban prosperity. 


17. Our attention is on redoing the economy through the public financial broadening plan that underpins the essential objective of public food independence. This has diminished the developing food related inflationary figures and have in significant measure emphatically affected our food security status during the long a very long time of the pandemic lock down. 

18. We are likewise at present reconstructing our public framework base and, all the while, presenting change through the recovery, modernization, and extension of the railroad framework, public streets and scaffolds both in provincial and metropolitan focuses, close by the air terminals and seaports. 

19. The changes we have set up in the force area would ensure expanded effectiveness in our drive to essentially extend the age and dissemination of power for use in homes and plants. 

20. As an organization we are at present endeavor a progression of unique mediations intended to help work creation and backing the innovative drive of our adolescents. 

21. With the new opening of our fringes, we expect that the repressed interest of authentic cross-outskirt and worldwide exchange will support the fortunes of the numerous private companies and agrarian endeavors that rely upon Nigeria's exchange and trade. 

22. The message to our West African neighbors is that Nigeria is by and by completely open for those ready to lead business in a reasonable and impartial manner. 

Hostile to CORRUPTION: 

23. On the counter defilement drive of our organization, we have recorded generous gains up until now and this year, we are focused on proceeding with the way of destroying debasement, through joint effort with all the arms of Government to viably arraign this battle. 

24. While we would be working with the Legislature to authorize laws that would fortify this battle, we would likewise be taking a gander at checking on a portion of our laws which would guarantee that this battle is more successful. With respect to the chief, we would guarantee the determined and opportune arraignment of defilement cases, while engaging the legal executive to guarantee that debasement cases are abstained from quickly. 

25. The constancy of different types of savagery has implied that in the most influenced portions of the nation, the texture of between shared concordance woven through long stretches of venture of exertion at building trust, common regard, and amicability has been compromised. 

26. Frailty as a test has direct repercussions on our public monetary solidness, development, and advancement, hindering us at basic focuses through the annihilation of public and private speculations. 

27. In pieces of the nation where persistent neediness, social avoidance, and disappointment among segments of the adolescent were at that point an issue, the patterns of viciousness that have been released by careless gatherings like Boko Haram and others have frustrated the endeavors of government to embrace the social strategy and related ventures that could have an enormous effect in the personal satisfaction of our residents. 

28. I am mindful that for a portion of our comrades, the advancement we have enlisted since the beginning of this organization isn't close to as quick or as adequate as they would wish. I don't resent them their perspectives to the extent that they imply a wish, in which we as a whole offer, for just the absolute best for our nation. 

29. By and by, I call upon all Nigerians to deliberately review the conditions of our coming to office, current realities on the ground and the assets available to us since 2015 with the achievements of this organization. 

30. As a people, we have indicated outstanding strength even with each misfortune, an unrivaled ability to recuperate quickly from each mishap, an unmatched liberality of soul when we settle our disparities, and a steady preparation to put confidence and expectation in the predetermination we share as a unified nation based on the variety of its people groups. 

31. It is these qualities that support the Nigerian soul of "can do, will do" that gives me trust that we will yet get to objective and satisfy our assembling, particularly with the strong goals we are setting in the

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